1st Year Collection
Senin, 06 Juni 2011
Posted by apurie in fo, Travelling
tribute to...
It's been 365 days and still continues to create hundreds, even thousands pictures, moments, emotions, stories, expressions and many more. From beach to mountain, sunrise to sunset, day to night, landscape to portrait, BW to HDR and so on. Across the cities, islands and countries, brings new experiences of life. Photography isn't just take a picture, it's feel the moment. A tribute to my simple D3000

Pagi Hari
Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011
Posted by apurie in Kuala Lumpur, Travelling
Suasana pagi hari pukul 07.11 AM
Location : Hotel Citin Pudu, Puduraya, Kuala Lumpur
Technical Data : 26mm | f/11 | 10sec | ISO-100 | Tripod

Sabtu, 23 April 2011
Posted by apurie in Kuala Lumpur, sport, Trave, Travelling
Isolasi warna : Seorang pengunjung sedang melihat replika mobil Formula 1 Sauber C23 yang dipajang di pintu masuk Menara Kembar Petronas, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Internet Banking
Kamis, 10 Februari 2011
Posted by apurie in Object
Inilah salah satu pilihan alat pembayaran di jaman sekarang, cukup koneksi internet dan duduk di depan komputer semua bisa terselesaikan.

Senin, 07 Februari 2011
Posted by apurie
Sudah lama blog ini tak tersentuh dengan berbagai alasan. Okelah, salah satunya males. Bagaimanapun sayang rasanya menelantarkannya begitu saja, terlebih bukan gratisan untuk domain JalanTerus.com.
Terpikir bila blog ini dimanfaatkan untuk menyalurkan hobi jepret-jepret. Bagaimana bila dijadikan photoblog?
Photoblog A photoblog (or photolog, or phlog) is a form of photo sharing and publishing in the format of a blog. It differs from a blog through the predominant use of and focus on photographs rather than text.